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病変は皮質下核特に尾状核及び被殻に最も強く次いで淡蒼球外節,黒質及び大脳皮質全域に亘りその特徴は脂肪変性ではなく,diffusに細胞の変性乃至消失があり,之に一致してprotoplasmati−sche Astrocytenの増殖が認められる点にある。
Histpathological changes of Huntington's cho-rea in the central nervous system were studied in one case which showed clinically chronic progressive choreatic movement and intellectual deficiency. The results are as follows:
The brain weighed 1120 grm. The macrosco-pic findings were subsidence of the left poste-rior central convolution and sclerosis of the caudatum, putamen and pallidum. Microscopic examination of the brain showed disappearance of small motor nervous cells and proliferation of protoplasmatic astrocyts in the caudatum and putamen, and degree of the changes were equal in both side. Furthermore, similar changes were slightly found in lateral portion of the pallidum and nigra. In the cerebral cortex, generally disappearance or degeneration of ner-vous cells were noticed. Fatty degeneration was not found anywhere.
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