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Biochemical Research of Experimental Demyelination (1st Report) Itsuro Sobue 1 , Tsutomu Matsui 1 , Yasuaki Watanabe 1 1Ist Department of Internal Medicine Nagoya University School of Medicine pp.583-590
Published Date 1956/7/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200505
  • Abstract
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We have studied the biochemical mechanism of experimental brain allergy that is considered one way of demyelination processes. We used Freund's Adjuvant methode to follow the chan-ge of cerebroside and lipoid-phosphorus in the central nervous system and blood of sensitized guinea pigs. The antigen used is the emulsion of adult dog's brain. Cerebroside, one of the protagon, is contained mainly in myelin sheath and it concerns closely with meylination and phylogenetic development.

Cerebroside in the central nervous system of guinea pigs, especially in cerebrum, decreased as the brain allergy or demyelination process advanced, but the blood cerebroside showed tendency of increasing during the course. Li-poid-phosphorus in the Central nervous system and blood of guinea pigs indicated no significant change after antigen injection.

Also to prove the decrease of cerebroside in the central nervous system more accurately, we measured reducing value of sugar separately, which were liberated from gangliosid and sul-phatid by acid hydrolysis. The reducing value of sugar obtained by acid hydrolysis from gan-gliosid fraction indicated no noticeable changes, but that from sulphatid fraction showed slight increasing tendency after antigen injection. We support the view that the decrease of cerebro-side in the brain may be due to distruction of cerebroside by cerebrosidase rather than inhibiti-on of cerebroside synthesis.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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    6巻 3号 (1954年5月)
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