

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A case report of prenylamine syncope (torsades de pointes) Eiji Oda 1 , Koyo Takeda 2 , Tsukasa Ohno 3 , Tsuneo Nagai 3 , Toshiyuki Shibuya 3 , Yoshifusa Aizawa 3 , Yutaka Arai 3 , Takefumi Ozawa 3 , Akira Shibata 3 1Department of Internal Medicine, Sanjo General Hospital 2Department of Internal Medicine, Shyonai Hospital 3The First Department of Internal Medicine, Niigata University School of Medicine pp.453-458
Published Date 1985/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404204641
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A 67 year-old woman with hypertension, coro-nary insufficiency, aortic stencsis and chronic hepa-titis, admitted to a hospital for syncopal attacks. She had been recieved prenylamine 90 mg/day and her ECG showed marked prolongation of the QT inter-val and torsades de pointes. She was successfully treated with lidocaine, even though prenylamine was not withdrawn. Similar episodes repeated four times, and finally prenylamine was stopped.

As far as we know, there are 26 cases of preny-lamine syncope, including the present case. The mean age is 69.3 year-old and the sex ratio is M : F=1:3.4. All cases showed QT prolongation and 87% of them showed QT intervals not less than 0.60 sec.

Concerning the therapeutic measures, we propose a classification of torsades de pointes into three types. Type 1 may result from pure QT prolongation, type 2 may be due to the interaction of the delay and non-uniformity of ventricular repolarization and local conduction defects and type 3 may result from pure local conduction defects.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


