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1952年,Reederら1)は,末梢血好酸球増多と,肺浸潤影を伴う疾患群を,PIE症候群(Pulmonary Infiltra—tion with Eosinophilia)と報告した。Croftonら2)は,同年これをさらに,臨床病型にもとづいて,5型に分類し,その中でも喘息症状を伴い,閉塞性肺機能障害を呈するものを,Pulmonary Eosinophilia with Asthma (以下PEA)とした。
We experienced a patient of typical PIE syn-drome with preceding symptoms of watery diarrhea and generalized severely pruritic urticaria which were thought to be food allergy. She developed asthmatic symptomes with markedly increased IgE, peripheral blood eosinophilia and migrating pulmo-nary infiltrates, but dramatically responded to steroid therapy.
Specific antigen could not be identified but some dietary factors seemed to be related to her disease.

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