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Syncope is a very rare clinical manifestation of primary aldosteronism. Although primary aldos-teronism is not so rare disease, we know only se-veral reports of such a case. We recently experi-enced a case of 37 years old female, who had two times of syncopal attack during 3 years. After one month from the first syncopal attack, she visited a certain hospital. Then, hypertension (160/100mmHg) and hypopotassemia 3 mEq/liter) were pointed out, but she requested no further examination.
After 3 years from the first attack, she had the second attack in her house. She was admitted to another hospital on ambulance and syncope con-tinued for about 10 minutes. Immediately after the admission, electrocardiogram demonstrated abnor-mal prolongation of QT interval and bigeminal rhy-thm of multifocal ventricular premature complexes and her consciousness was still drowsy. Serum po-tassium concentration was 2. 1 mEq/liter and therefore we supposed that the cause of syncopal attack in this case was attributable to serious ventricular ar-rhythmia, probably ventricular tachycardia or fibril-lation, and that this arrhythmia was induced by severe hypopotassemia.
Her general condition recovered gradually and close examination was undergone about hyperten-sion and hypopotassemia. Hormonal data were strongly suggestive of primary aldosteronism, es-pecially adrenal cortical adenoma, but could not entirely rule out the adrenal hyperplasia. Her sym-ptoms of headache and general fatigue continued.
She was referred to our institute for definite diagnosis after 5 months from syncopal attack. Ele-ctrocardiogram showed typical findnigs of hypo-potassemia, that is, QT prolongation (QTc 0. 54sec), flattening of T wave and prominent U wave. Lo-calization diagnosis was performed by adrenal com-puted tomography, adrenal scintigraphy, and adrenal venous sampling. All results indicated right adrenal cortical adenoma. An operation was performed and adenoma about 15×10×10 mm was resected.
Postoperative course was well. Serum potassium and blood pressure normalized after several days from operation but normalization of QT interval required 5 weeks. Ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring demonstrated no dangerous arrhythmia.
We stress the clinical importance of syncopal at-tack in primary aldosteronism because syncopal attack becomes sometimes lifethreatening enough.Hypopotassemia and related serious cardiac arrhy-thmia, which may be the cause of synope, should be controlled carefully.

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