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心電図にQTの延長を認め,失神,急死,先天聾唖を併う症例が,23年前に初めて報告され,Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome:Cardio-Auditory Synd—rome:Surdo-Cardiac Syndromeと称されている。本症候群に興味が持たれているのは,その特徴的な心電図所見,失神発作や急死を伴うことがあること,その原因が未だ定かでないこと,遺伝様式の違いによって聾唖を伴わない例のあることなどで,既に1975年現在203例を数えこのうち聾を伴うものが30%を占めている1)。本邦においては,7例の報告があり,うち6例は著者らの見出したものである。
This study is on a summary of 1040 deaf children in 8 schools for the deaf in Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture. Among these schools, we report minutely for the first time 6 cases of Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome in Japan.
The incidence of Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome in deaf children was 0,58%. Four cases had a history of syncope, two cases of children with mental retardation, two cases of children with anemia, three cases of children with eiectroencephalographic abnormality, all cases of children with QTc prolongation and five cases of children with T (TU) wave abnormality, but no cardiac enlargement on the chest roentgen. One case died during playing baseball.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.