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要旨●胃粘膜下腫瘍(SEL)の組織生検は,gastrointestinal stromal tumorの概念の確立とともに重要視されるようになった.簡便な生検法としてボーリング生検があるが,診断能の低さが問題であった.そこに,超音波内視鏡下穿刺吸引生検(EUS-FNA)が登場し,現在ではSELの組織生検の第一選択とされている.EUS-FNAは,超音波内視鏡ガイド下に腫瘍を確実に穿刺できる点で優れており,専用スコープや穿刺針の開発もあり,90%以上の診断能を得ることができるようになった.また,近年は開窓生検法も施行されている.本稿では,EUS-FNAの手技の基本とコツを中心に,ボーリング生検や開窓生検法についても紹介する.
Biopsy of SEL(subepithelial lesions)became important with the establishment of the concept of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Although bowling biopsy is available as a simple biopsy method, its low diagnostic ability is a problem. EUS-FNA(endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration)has emerged as a solution, and it is now the first choice for SEL biopsy. EUS-FNA is excellent in that the tumor can be reliably punctured under the ultrasonic endoscope, and development of this special scope and puncture needle has made it possible to obtain diagnostic capability of ≧90%. Also, in recent years, an open biopsy method has been enforced. In this report, we will introduce the bowling and open biopsy methods, focusing on the fundamentals and tips for performing the EUS-FNA technique.

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