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要旨●腹腔鏡・内視鏡合同手術(LECS)は,内視鏡と腹腔鏡により至適な胃切除範囲を決定し,最小限の切除と縫合閉鎖を行う術式である.2014年に胃局所切除術の亜型として保険収載され,国内外に普及しつつある.従来の胃局所切除術と比較し,術後の変形や狭窄が懸念される噴門や幽門輪近傍の病変にて利点が特に発揮されると考える.近年では,inverted LECS,closed LECS,CLEAN-NET,NEWSなどの悪性腫瘍に対するLECS関連手技が開発されており,早期胃癌治療への究極の低侵襲手術として期待されている.
LECS(Laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative surgery)is a surgical procedure that combines laparoscopic gastric local resection with endoscopic submucosal dissection. By using an endoscope and laparoscope, it is possible to perform a minimally invasive resection. LECS is a safe and useful procedure for the removal of gastric submucosal tumors that are independent of the tumor location, such as their proximity to the esophagogastric junction or pyloric ring.
Recently, modified LECS procedures, such as inverted LECS, closed LECS, CLEAN-NET, and NEWS, have been developed for the removal of malignant tumors. In the future, the indications for LECS in early gastric cancer may also be expanded.

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