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solitary fibrous tumor(SFT)はまれな間葉系腫瘍であり,現在では胸膜以外にも全身に発生の報告がある。今回,バルトリン腺嚢胞疑いとして経過をみられていた外陰部腫瘤が増大し,MRIにてangiomyofibroblastomaなどの腫瘍が疑われた症例が,術後病理所見にてSFTと診断された1例を経験した。女性外陰部に好発する腫瘍との鑑別などと合わせて,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
We report a case of a vulvar mass which was histopathologically diagnosed as a solitary fibrous tumor in a 60’s female. MRI showed well-demarcated mass with a mixture of high and low signals on T2-weighted image accompanied by flow voids. The mesenchymal tumors such as aggressive angiomyxoma, angiomyofibroblastoma, cellular angiofibroma, and solitary fibrous tumor can be difficult to differentiate at imaging alone. However, even after complete resection, solitary fibrous tumors can recur locally and also at distant sites. Thus, solitary fibrous tumor should be included in the differential diagnosis.

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