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【目的】「災害に対する看護の備え尺度(Disaster Preparedness Scale for Nursing 以下DPSNとする)」の有用性を検討する。
【研究方法】 1)対象者;国内看護系学会学術集会の交流集会等に参加した災害看護の実践者、教育・研究者、看護管理者199名、2)調査期間;2018年8月、3)調査方法;DPSNとアンケート調査で、回答者の属性とDPSNの有用性とその理由について自由記載で回答を求めた。4)分析方法;DPSNは回答率を算出、アンケートはDPSNの有用性に関する部分を抽出しカテゴリー分類した。
Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of the Disaster Preparedness Scale for Nursing (DPSN).
Methods: 1) Subjects: 199 disaster nursing practitioners, educators/researchers, and nursing managers who participated in exchange meetings at academic conferences of nursing-related societies in Japan; 2) Survey period: August 2018; 3) Survey methods: Using the DPSN and a questionnaire survey, respondents were requested to freely describe their own capabilities and, their opinion of the usefulness of the scale, as well as reasons for their opinion; 4) Analytical methods: The response rate to for the DSPN, and the components related to the usefulness of the DPSN were extracted from the questionnaire and categorized.
Results: The total number of responses collected was 158 (79.3%) for the questionnaire and 157 (78.9%) for the DPSN. Regarding the question on usefulness, 109 respondents (69.0%) answered that it was useful, 3 (1.9%) answered that it was not useful, and 46 (29.1%) gave no answer. In the free text analysis, the positive and negative categories about the usefulness were 18 and 8, respectively. The response rates for the major items in the DPSN varied from one to the other and ranged from 75 to 94.7%.
Conclusion: The results suggest that the DPSN is useful as a measure of disaster preparedness for nursing.
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