

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Issues of Nursing Diagnosis in Home Care Nursing Junko Kusakari , Yasuko Aoki , Ikuko Iwai , Aiko Emoto , Yumiko Ohshima , Ryuko Fujimura , Yoko Furuhashi pp.128-132
Published Date 2002/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7004100126
  • Abstract

 The purpose of this study is to clarify the specific problems of nursing diagnoses in home care nursing. On March 4, 2000, the research committee had the 1st meeting to discuss freely on the issues of nursing diagnoses in the field of home care nursing. Several home care nurses were invited. It was found that some of them had already started to use NANDA nursing diagnoses in their activities, however, the rest of them who understand the usefulness of NANDA nursing diagnoses, had not introduced them yet. The reason was that MDS had already been introduced as the official tool to describe patient's symptoms in the home care settings. Moreover, because of the troublesome in the use of some of NANDA nursing diagnoses, they wished to have more simple taxonomy that could be used more easily in this field. The 2nd meeting was held on March 3, 2001. Six hearing members and seven committee members were invited as well as one observer. They were composed of three previous participants and a newly invited home care nurse and two professors of the nursing university. Focused Group Interview (FGI) method was used, with some modification from the questions used in the critical care field. Using the tape-recorder and the field notes, the qualitative data were collected. Comparing with the free talking method, FGI was useful in getting more information in detail. Some specific and also common problems were clarified.

Copyright © 2002, Japan Society of Nursing Diagnosis. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2758-643X 印刷版ISSN 1341-3007 日本看護診断学会


