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腹腔鏡下手術の目覚ましい進歩・発展には術式の開発はもちろんのこと,新しく登場してきた機器や器具の功績が大きい.しかしその効能の裏には,使用法によっては予期しない事態の発生や術後に異常をきたす症例などがある.実際,われわれも腹腔鏡下子宮全摘出術に際して予技の簡便性と迅速性から自動縫合器を使用してきたが,その際のstaplerに起因した術後出血の経験や術後の絞扼性イレウス例などに遭遇した.本稿では,その実例を挙げるとともに,新しく登場した血管シーリングシステムであるLigaSure AtlasiTMの婦人科疾患における有用性などについて紹介した.
Development of new instruments as well as improvement in surgical skills has paved the way for significant leaps in laparoscoic surgery. However, in spite of these improvements, unexpected instrument failure or compli-cations can occur clinically. For example, with the use of the linear stapler, ligaments can be managed easily and quickly but some complications such as post-operative bleeding and bowel obstruction have been noted. We will present cases where complications have occurred using the linear stapler as well as introduce the LigaSure AtlasTM, a newly developed vessel sealing system, in gynecologic surgery.

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