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悪性骨軟部腫瘍手術の筋切断に際して,LigaSure AtlasTMを用いることで,良好な術後合併症のコントロールを得ており報告した.検討は,大腿部悪性軟部腫瘍の使用9症例および非使用11例で行った.使用群で術後ドレーン出血量が有意に減少した.輸血は非使用群の2例で施行され,創部への滲出液貯留も非使用群のみ5例で認めたが,使用群では1例も認めなかった.LigaSure AtlasTMの使用は,術後出血を有意に低下させ輸血の機会を減少し,術後滲出液の死腔部貯留防止にも効果的であると考えた.
We report the efficacy of LigaSure AtlasTM for preventing bleeding after muscle resection during malignant bone and soft tissue tumor surgery. We analyzed 20 cases in which a malignant soft tissue tumor of the thigh was treated by tumor resection. LigaSure AtlasTM was used in nine cases (LSA group) and not in the other 11 cases (control group). There was a dramatic reduction in postoperative bleeding in the LSA group, whereas 2 patients in the control group required erythrocyte transfusion and 5 had an effusion in to the dead space. In the authors' experience, LigaSure AtlasTM prevented both bleeding and effusions after tumor resection surgery.

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