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◆要旨:現在使用可能なda Vinci装置などのマスタ・スレーブ・マニピュレータ(master-slave manipulator:MSM)型手術支援ロボットは,高い操作性が特徴である.しかし,いくつかの問題点もあるので,それらを解決するために筆者らは2つの機器の開発を進めてきた.すなわち,マスタ部とスレーブ部を合体させた一体型のMSMと,リニアモータを用いたバイラテラル制御機構により触覚機能を付加したハプティクス鉗子である.本稿では,これらについて筆者らの研究の一端を紹介する.
Master slave manipulators(MSMs)such as the da Vinci system, a representative example of a surgical robot, are recognized as offering high performance but several problems still remain within the systems. We have been experimenting with the development of two new instruments. One is the master slave combined manipulator in which the master part and the slave part are combined in order to minimize the system size. The other is the haptic forceps using linear motors : it is controlled by a bilateral operation system and is capable of delivering tactile information to the operator. We explain herein about these two instruments.

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