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◆要旨:単孔式腹腔鏡下手術の急速な普及と同時に,胆囊摘出術のみならず,胃,大腸などの消化管手術でもさらなる低侵襲の外科手術を目指すreduced-port surgeryが注目を集めている.このことで使用頻度が減少した3mm以下の細径鉗子が再び注目されるようになった.純粋な単孔のみでは手術操作が困難な場合には,Miniloop retractorTM(Covidien Japan(株)),ミニラップ(Stryker(株)),B-J Needle(ニチオン(株))などの細径器具を単孔式手術の補助として使用している.そこで筆者らは補助だけでなく,通常の助手鉗子としての操作性と整容性を兼ね備えた細径鉗子Endo Reliefを開発したので報告する.
Single-incision laparoscopic surgery is rapidly spreading, while at the same time reduced-port surgery has become a focus of attention, aiming for less-invasive surgical procedures in cholecystectomy and surgery for gastrointestinal diseases. This has led to renewed interest in small-diameter forceps smaller than 3 mm in diameter that have not been used frequently. The small-diameter instruments such as Mini Loop Retractor (Covidien Japan), MiniLap (Stryker), or B-J Needle (Niti-On) are used as aids in single-incision procedures when a pure single incision procedure is difficult. Here we report a newly developed small-diameter forceps, Endo Relief, that have both good handling and cosmetic outcome.

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