

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Rehabilitation of the Stroke Hemiplegia Patient pp.125-129
Published Date 1973/2/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1518100575
  • Abstract
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 A rehabilitation program for severely involved stroke survivors is most effective when it represents a comprehensive approach under trained medical guidance that is supported by trained paramedical personnel. The staff involved in management of the patient must be aware of the neuromuscular dysfunction and concomitant medical disorders. The staff must also evaluate the influence of emotional, intellectual, social and vocational problems.

 The attitude of the staff members toward the hemiplegic patient has a far reaching, if not determinative, influence. The entire staff must recognize and support the patient in his emotional struggle to overcome the profound shock, frustration and fear that he experiences when he finds himself reduced to comlete dependence due to his inability to make his own body respond to his commands. It is not enough to "urge" the patient to become independent and useful again. Those about him must help him feel his worthiness as a human being. To overcome depression the hemiplegic patient must realize that his life still has meaning and purpose. The attitude of the staff should communicate acceptance of a patient's worthiness. The physiatrist, as the guiding influence, should diffuse this attitude throughout the staff. It helps the fearful hemiplegic patient to struggle free of frustrations and resentments that bind him to his disability even more than does his neuromuscular impairment. If the patient believes in his own worth, in his own emotional and physical strength, in his own integrity, he then may accept a revised physical image of himself and accept his physical limitations. He becomes free to accept help and to develop independence. He can then reap the splendid reward of his own sense of achievement without which his life would have little meaning.

(from Krusen, Kottke and Ellwood:Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)

Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0386-9849 医学書院


