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一方,前庭機能検査の分野ではelectronystagmography(ENG)の発達と共に,眼振の客観的分析が可能となり,さらには,van Egmond,Groen,Jongkees(1952)1)等を中心として北欧の諸家によつてCupulometryなる閾値下等加速度刺激法が回転検査法に新たに取り入れられた。一方,Hallpike(1942)を中心とする英国学派によつて,温度性眼振検査によるDP,CPなる概念が提唱された。この様に前庭機能検査法の中でも,とくに実験的誘発眼振検査の変遷が著しく,これに関する業績も多く発表されている。
Although numerous improvements have been established on vestibular functional test since the advent of electronystagmography, ENG, the evaluation of the nystagmus test for clinical diagnostic purpose is still being slighted. This is probably due to the reason that differentiation of the lesion from the result of this test is a difficult feat.
The authors discuss the problems and the value of optokinetic nystagmus, which has been heretofore studied under different category but, recently given renewed recognition, in the capacity of its role as representing the distur-bance of the equilibrium mechanism of the body.

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