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一方,前庭系は末梢前庭のみならず前庭系全体が前庭―眼反射としてのあらわれである眼振という点において視性―眼反射としての視性運動性眼振(optokinetic nystagmus, optokinetischerNystagmus:以下OKNと略す)と微妙な関係にあるということができよう。これらは自発眼振または潜在性眼振の存在がしばしばOKNに影響をおよぼすという事実からも察知できる。
Clinical study is conducted on optokinetic nystagmus as one of the method testing vestibular functions. One hundred sixty three patients affected with peripheral vestibular disturbance were examined by this method. The results were as follows:
It has a diagnostic significance because disturbances of peripheral vestibular function will be shown by pattern which would be quite similar to one another.
By examination of the nystagmus cased by vestibular disturbance at regular intervals the mode of change could be observed objectively by means of OKP (optokinetic pattern) test.
By employing OKP test along with other vestibular function tests, it becomes possible to reveal the hidden difference that may exist in the degree of nystagmus of the either eye.
The value of this test towards diagnosis of disturbances in the central nervous sestem shall be reported later.
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