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とくに原因と思われる機転の不明なまま高度の神経難聴が急激に発来する。いわゆる突発難聴についてはすでに古くから多くの報告があり,近年に至つてはde Kleyn1),Hallherg and Harton2),Rasmussen3),Lindsay-Zuidema4),Fowler5),Opheim6),Lehmann7),Svane-Knudsen8),らによる報告がみられる。本邦においては早瀬9),田口10),堀口11),大河内12),立木13),佐藤-吉田4),中村15),山崎16),大和田17),渡辺18),切替-野村19)らの幾多の発表がある。しかしこれらはほとんどその聴力像についての検討であり,前庭機能の立場から論じられたものは極めて少い,われわれは東大病院耳鼻咽喉科の前庭平衡障害外来を訪れた突発難聴患者51例につきその臨床的観察を行い,その前庭迷路症状特に眼振を中心にみた病態像につき詳細な観察を行つた結果,極めて興味ある所見を得たのでここに報告し考察を加えたいと思う。
Observations were made on 51 patients with sudden onset of deafness that was combined with some vestibular disturbances at the Outpatient Department of Otolaryngology at the Tokyo University Medical School Hopsital;attentions in these examinations were particularly focused on the types of nystagmuses and the conditions to which the vestibular organs may be disturbed. Directions of the nystagmus varied from simple horizontal to rotatory, direction changing and vertical. From the nature of nystagmus manifested in this way in cases of sudden deafness, the authors believe that, the pathology of this disease is extremely complicated depending upon the degree and the location of the lesion which may be localized in the cochlea or the vestibule; that it may be the influence of some disturbances in the central region particularly the brain stem should also be seriously considered.

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