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Dizziness, Vestibular Nerve, and Labirynth. Hasegawa, Takatoshi 1 1Otolaryngology, Osaka Medical College pp.315-321
Published Date 1951/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200234
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According to Goldstein, dizziness is said to be a sort of sensation which appears in the case of losing the control of the body. Vesti-bular or labirynthic dizziness appears due to the loss of control of the body by ocular ny-stagmus or disturbance of bodily balance. In short, dizzidess is caused by disturbance of the balance of antagonizing labirynthic muscle tonus.

Labirynthic muscule tonus is not given to all body muscles, as considered generally, but to muscles of eyes and neck, i.e, the labiryn-thic tonus is not given to muscles of extremi-ties. Ocular nystagmus is caused by the abnormalities of ocular muscle tonus due to semicircular canals, and disturbance of bodily balance is caused by abnormalities of neck-muscle tonus due to vestibular apparatus. In the case of vestibular or labirynthic dizziness, autonomic nervous symptomes, e. g., paleness of face, nausea, vomiting etc. appears simul-taneously. These are caused by the excitation of sympathetic nerve. Labirynth has connec-tion with autonomic nerve, its excitation as well as destraction can excite the sympathe-tic nerve.

For Menière's syndrome in which the vesti-bular dizziness appears as main symptome, the intravenous injecfion of aquous Sodium bicarbonate solution of high concentration is excedingly effective. Considering this disease as angiospasmus of blood vessels of vestibular area according to Kobrak's theory, it is easily comprehensive that the Sodium bicarbonate injection is effective. That is, by this injection, there evoke the dilatation of peripheral blood vessels, lowering the colloidal osmatic pressure, increase of blood Calcium, decrease of blood sugar, and the loose of angiospamus, the re-covery of edema or the difuse bleeding of lab-irynth. is expected.

Copyright © 1951, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


