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Cathomycinは1955年,アメリカのWallick等により,放線菌の一新種Streptomyces spheroidesの培養液から得られた新抗生物質Noboviocinであるが,その抗菌スペクトルはかなり広く,グラム陽性菌と或る種のグラム陰性菌に有効で,特に葡萄球菌,連鎖球菌,肺炎球菌,ジフテリー菌等に高い感受性を示すことが知られている。
Cathomycin is used in 57 cases of various in flammatory diseases of the ear, nose and throat in dosages to adults ranging from 1,000 to 1500 mg and children, from 20~50 mg perkilo body weight, 4~6 hours apart.
The agent was highly effective in 35% of cases ; effective in 37% ; appreciably effective in 15.8% and not effective in 12.2%. In other words the rate of its effectiveness was 72%.
The use of this agent in acute suppurativediseases showed the rate of effectivity to be 83%.
Among the 57 cases in whom the agent was used 3 cases reported anorexia and 1 case developed urticaria which was rather mild in degree.

Copyright © 1961, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.