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Visual realization of the post operative he-aling process of the operative wound of the ethmoid cells was attempted in 11 patients upon whom ethmoidectomy was performed along with radical maxillary sinus operation, enlargement of natural ostium with or wi-thout middle turbibectomy. The growth of gr-anulation tissues began on 8.8th day: ganula-tion growth was completed on 23. ith day: epithelization began on 23.5th day and comp-leted at 69.2th day.,During this period various changes such as, formation of fibrotic false membrane, increased mucous discharges from the olfactory cleft, narrowing of the frontal sinus ostium with swelling and granulation growths band formation between the frontal sinus ostium, he middle turbinate and the lamina papyracea, were seen. It is obvious that from these facts that a proper postope-rative treatment would be highly necessia-ted. The post operative care of the nasal wound should be carried out for the period of 4 to 5 months after the operation because of the time difference in the healing process of different sinuses: when epithelization of the ethmoid is complete the maxillary sinus would be at the height of granulation gro-wth.
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