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- 1ページ目
耳下腺結核は,1893年初めてDe Paoliによつて記載され,以後1954年迄の世界の文献中に50例を見るに過ぎない(Biaggini)という。本邦では,われわれの渉獵した文献では10例の報告例がある。
Two cases of suppurative involvement of the salivary gland are reported. In one case a man, aged 43, presented swelling and signs of suppuration of the right cheek which was found to be the result of tubercular involve-ment of Stenson's duct. The patient wasaffected with a long standing tubercular infe-ctions of the lungs : tubercular changes were noted also in the lymph glands of the salivary gland. In the second case a man, aged 31, had a tuberculous foci in the right middle ear that caused repeated attacks otitis media: he finally developed an abcess of the salivary gland.
Recovery in both cases were attained by use of surgical intervention and drug therapy.

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