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- 1ページ目
By employment of such tests as visulization of salivary glands, measurement of salivary secretion, analysis of the saliva, functional secretion of the saliva and other general physical examinations, the affection of apty-alism manifested by symptom of dryness of the mouth is divided into three different groups.
In the first group the cause is found in the gland with an established pathological changes that may be noted by gland visualization. Functional secretion of the saliva in such a case will be considerably decreased which will be found predominantly among woman in the age-group of 40.
In the second group disturbances of the reflex are appear to the basis of the etiology. No changes will be recognized in the glands yet, salivary secretion will be markedly dec-reased. Physical characteristics of the saliva is not altered : the age and the sex in which the involvement may be found are indefinite.
The third group comprise those in whom the affection is based on psychological distu-rbances with changing degree of symptom manifestations. Disturbances in the auto-nomic nerves are apparent and empasized. No changes are noted in the salivary glands butthe physical charateristics of the saliva per se will be altered : salivary secretion due to stimulation will be indefinite.

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