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Sjögren氏症候群はKeratitis filiformis,Keratoconjunctivitis sicca,Dacryo-sialoadenopathia atrophicans,Ophthalmno-rhino-stomato xérose,Sjögren-Gougerot氏病等のさまざまな呼称をもち,涙液,唾液分泌不全,関節炎をその主要症状とする。それまでKeratitis filiformisとして取扱われていた該疾患をSjögren(1933)が系統的に且詳細に研究してから主に眼科医の注目をあび,欧米ではかなりの報告がある。本邦では岡島,奥田等の5例にすぎず,全症状を具えたものは阿部の1例のみである。われわれはわれわれの2例について述べ若干の考察を加えてみた。
Kitamura and Okuda report 2 cases of Sjorgen's syndrome and consider disturbance of internal secretion of salivary glands as the most plausible explanation for the understanding of the disease. The oustanding symptoms of the first case consisted of multiple arthritis involveing the fingers, elbow and toes, xerotomia, dry rhinitis and pharyngitis, corneal inflammation, disturbances of salivary and lacrymal secretions and of menstruary cycle, enlargement of thyroid glands, loss of tooth, increased rate of sedimentation of blood, anemia and leucopenia, the aggregate of which that pointed strongly to manifestations of conditions caused by disturbances internal secretion. The second case was similarly affected as the first with addition of symptoms of tonsillitis the most likely the result of pharyngeal involvement.

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