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Sakamoto proposes a new method to facilitate diagnosis of sinusitis without the aid of X-ray. The author names this method antrogrm which is graphic representation of morphological changes in the sinus mucous membrane that may be found by functional tests heretofore employed. Initial step of antrogram is to measure the volumetric capacity of the sinus cavity and comparing that capacity after a period of conservative sinus treatment to note the degree in which the sinus mucous membrane may have been reduced from its original edematous condition. Depending upon the type of graphic curve such reduction of edema may produce the case may be recommended for operative treatment. The types of graphic curves are as follow: Ⅰ, Acutely ascending; Ⅱ, Steplike ascending; Ⅲ, Wave type; Ⅳ, Horizontal type. Sinusitis belonging to types Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ are on the whole amenable to conservative treatments but those showing type Ⅳ changes require operative interference.

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