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Badonは古来漢法や民間藥として用いられて居つた植物,日本産大戟科に属するMallotus Japonicus J. Mueller(あかめがしは)の主成分を抽出したものであつて,其の主成分は其の構造がBergeninに一致する下記の樣な物質であつてBadon粉末は本化合体の3.4%を含有して居る。
DAITO and KONO find the use of "Badon", a new therapeutic agent (parenteral or oral use), to be highly effective in the following diseases, carcinoma of the tongue, maxillary cancer, tonsillar and palatal cancer, pharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, progressive necrotic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, chronic esophagitis, pharyngeal and laryngeal neuritis, insomnia of unknown cause and hemilateral neuritis, inoperable esophageal cancer and unhealed fistula in a case of postlaryngectomy, Which numbered 24 cases in which they employed the agent. In chronic diseases the use of Badon shwed a remarkable improvemnt with no disagreeable side reactions inits continued use. Different from other therapeutic agents heretofore employed application of this agent appears to be more and more numerous. Not only has its usage has yet to meet a case of untoward reactions but, it affords the patients with better appetite, relief of pain and nervousness, facilitation in healing of ulcers, formation of ganulations more healthy in character, and in the lesion itself a quicker abatement of pathological discharges and faster tissue recovery.
In animal experiments the use of Badon as compared to the control animal showed a quicker herling of burn wounds with resulting scar formation considerably less in amount.

Copyright © 1954, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.