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多発性脊髄腫瘍の発生頻度は少なく全脊髄腫瘍の1.2%−9.5%との報告がある1,2,4,8)がvon Reckling—hausen氏病を伴うものが,その約半数を占める8,13).
われわれが過去5年間に経験した脊髄腫瘍は31例であり,そのうち神経鞘腫は11例であったが,その中で3例は多発性で,いずれもvon Recklinghausen氏病を伴っていなかった.これら3症例につき臨床症状,神経放射線学的所見を報告し,多発性脊髄腫瘍に関する文献的考察を加えた.
Multiple spinal tumors are relatively rare and account for from only 1.2 to 9.5% of all spinal tumors. Half of the multiple spinal tumors are accompanied with von Recklinghausen's disease. Since March 1983, we have encountered 31 spinal tumors including 11 neurinomas, three of which were multiple and showed no manifesta-tions of von Recklinghausen's disease. The incidence of multiple spinal tumors was 9.7% in our series. Altogether, 40 cases of multiple spinal neurinomas without von Recklinghausen's disease have been re-ported including our three cases.

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