

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Two Cases of von Recklinghausen's Disease with Multiple Brain and Spinal Tumors Hiroshi SAKAIDA 1 , Junya HANAKITA 1 , Hideyuki SUWA 1 , Shinji NAGAYASU 1 , Shogo NISHI 1 , Fumito OHTA 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Shizuoka General Hospital Keyword: von Recklinghausen's disease , Multiple brain tumors , Multiple spinal tumors pp.51-56
Published Date 1992/1/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436900383
  • Abstract
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The authors reported two cases of von Reckling-hausen's disease with multiple brain tumors and multi-ple spinal tumors.

The first case, a 21-year-old man who had a past his-tory of optic gliomas was admitted because of gait dis-turbance. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed calcification of the basal ganglia, bilateral C-P angle tumors, cystic cerebel-lar tumor and arachnoid cyst in the quadrigeminal cist-ern. Myelography and MRI revealed multiple spinal tumors. Surgical management was performed and cere-bellar tumor was histologically confirmed to be apilocytic astrocytoma. Spinal tumors were also astrocy-tomas.

The second patient, a 56-year-old woman suffered from right iliac pain, right hemiparesis and motor apha-sia. CT revealed two round tumors in the left cerebral hemisphere and bilateral C-P angle tumors. Myelogra-phy and MRI demonstrated multiple intradural-extramedullary spinal tumors. Histologically, supra-tentorial tumors were transitional meningiomas and spinal tumors were neurinomas.

It is well known that von Recklinghausen's disease isoften associated with brain or spinal tumors. But, in the literature, only 22 cases of von Recklinghausen's dis-ease combined with multiple brain tumors with diffe-rent histological types and multiple spinal tumors have been reviewed. With our two cases, the average age of these 24 cases was 28.6 years old, nine cases were male and 15 cases were female. All patients had C-P angle tumors and 23 cases were combined with intracranial meningiomas. In this paper, the clinical features and dia-gnostic aspects were discussed.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


