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癌が発生臓器に存在する幹細胞様の未分化な正常細胞を源とするという概念は古くからあり,脳腫瘍に関しても1960年代には既に,脳室壁(subependymal region)に存在する分裂能をもった細胞を脳腫瘍の発生源と示唆する複数の論文が発表されている1,2).それから約30年の時を経て,白血病を初めとして複数の癌種から幹細胞様細胞が実際に同定されてきた3).現在までに幹細胞様腫瘍細胞が同定された癌種としては,白血病のほかに,乳癌,悪性グリオーマ,前立腺癌,メラノーマなどがある4-9).
Malignant glioma is one of the most lethal diseases in adulthood. The median survival of patients with the GradeⅣ glioma, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), is shorter than 15 months and the current first-line therapies for this devastating disease have only a palliative effect. The cancer stem cell hypothesis has recently attracted a great deal of attention, owing to the promise of a novel cellular target for the treatment of tumors including GBM. Recent studies have demonstrated that existence of cancer stem cells in brain tumors (BTSC) accounts, at least in part, for the intractability of malignant glioma. From the therapeutic standpoint, characterization of the mechanism for tumor initiation and maintenance of the “stem-like state” of BTSC is crucial. However, multiple heterogeneous subtypes of cancer stem cells have recently been identified from malignant glioma, making the idea of cancer stem cell complicated. In addition, in some cancer types (e.g. melanoma), a considerable proportion of tumor cells may possess the stem cell property, indicating cancer stem cells may not be a rare cell population in tumors, at least in some organs.
Based on the extensive genetic and epigenetic characterization of tumor growth mechanisms, various molecularly-targeted therapies have already been applied for patients, demonstrating a varying degree of success in cancer treatment. A significant improvement in patient prognosis was achieved in several cancer types including leukemia and breast cancer. It is no doubt that continuous effort is required to bring hope for patients with malignant glioma. In this study, we summarize the recent findings and approaches in the cancer stem cell field, mainly focusing on malignant glioma stem cells, and also describe potential future directions in this area.

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