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縁取り空胞を伴う遠位型ミオパチー(distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles:DMRV)は,欧米では遺伝性封入体ミオパチー(hereditary inclusion body myopathy:hIBM)と呼ばれる,15~35歳で発症する常染色体劣性の遺伝性筋疾患である1)。日本には約150~400人の患者がいると推定されている。臨床的には,遠位筋である前脛骨筋が好んで侵され,進行性の筋萎縮と筋力低下を特徴とする2)。近位筋である大腿四頭筋は発症初期には侵されない3)が,発症後期には筋力低下をみる。症状は比較的ゆっくりと進行し,平均発症後12年間で歩行不能となる。罹患筋の筋病理所見は特徴的であり,縁取り空胞と萎縮した小角化線維の存在と筋線維内にアミロイド様の蛋白質の蓄積がみられる。電子顕微鏡観察では,多数の自己貪食空胞の集積が観察される。
Sialic acids are terminal sugars of glycolipids and glycoproteins and are involved in several cellular processes. Sialic acid biosynthesis occurs in the cytosol,where UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) is sequentially converted to N-acetylmannosamine (ManNAc) 6-phosphate by UDP-GlcNAc-2-epimerase/ManNAc kinase enzymes,both of which are encoded by the GNE gene. Since the only existing mouse model of DMRV/hIBM (Gne-/-hGNED176VTg) exhibited decreased sialic acid levels in most organs,DMRV/hIBM is thought to be secondary to the metabolic defect in sialic acid production. Theoretically,replenishing sialic acid could be employed as a therapeutic option. It has been reported that N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc) and ManNAc are well incorporated into cells and converted to sialic acid. Thus,we evaluated the efficacy and safety of ManNAc,NeuAc,and sialyllactose in the Gne-/-hGNED176VTg,by orally administering these agents to mice from 5-15 weeks continuously until they reached 54-57 weeks of age. The treatment showed beneficial effects in terms of survival rate,overall motor performance,myofiber size,ex vivo skeletal muscle contractile properties,and pathology. These low-dose compounds showed acceptable kidney and liver toxicity profiles. Thus our results show that the oral therapy with NeuAc and ManNAc or their derivatives is safe and effective in preventing myopathic symptoms in Gne-/-hGNED176VTg mice,and could be considered as a guide for further therapeutic trials.

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