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患者は42歳女性。掌蹠膿疱+C54症,Mondor病および習慣性流産(3回の妊娠で3回とも流産)の既往あり。30歳頃から血清creatine kinase(CK)高値を指摘され,近位筋の脱力症状も認めた。37歳からBasedow病に対して抗甲状腺薬で治療を行い軽快していたが,4回目の妊娠を契機に再び悪化した。妊娠6週目で流産し,同時期より近位筋優位の筋力低下,筋把握痛が出現し,血清CK値も上昇した。左上腕二頭筋の組織学的検査では筋炎様の筋線維の壊死・再生像を認めた。Prednisolone内服により臨床症状,検査所見ともに改善を認めた。本例の筋炎様の炎症性ミオパチーは流産後に増悪したが,多彩な自己免疫関連疾患を伴っておりそれらの病態への関与も考えられた。
The patient was 42-year-old woman who had exhib-ited elevated levels of serum creatine kinase (CK) and intermittent weakness of proximal muscles since her thirties. She had a history of palmoplantar pustulosis, Mondor's disease and recurrent miscarriages. Base-dow's disease, which had been treated with antithy-roid drugs since 37 years of age, recurred during the fourth pregnancy. After the pregnancy was terminated in the sixth week, weakness and grasp pain in the proximal muscles developed .

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