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パーキンソン病のほとんどは孤発性に発症するが,ごく一部ではさまざまな遺伝形式で遺伝し,発症する家系が存在する。このような家族性パーキンソニズムについて分子遺伝学的手法を用いて,原因となる遺伝子を同定することで,発症に関係する遺伝子の有用な情報を得ることができる。現在までに世界中の家族性パーキンソニズム家系から8つの原因遺伝子(α-synuclein, parkin, UCH-L1, DJ-1, PINK1, LRRK2, ATP13A2, HTRA2)が同定されており(Table1)5,27,31,37,40,41,49,56,62),その遺伝子産物の機能解析からパーキンソン病のみならず,アルツハイマー病など他の神経変性疾患の発症機序を理解するうえでも,非常に重要な情報をもたらしている。
PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1) is a causative gene for autosomal recessive early onset parkinsonism. Mutations in PINK1 were identified originally in PARK6-linked parkinsonism families from Italy and Spain. PINK1 contains 8 exons spanning 1.8 kb,and encodes a protein of 581 amino acids with a mitochondrial targeting motif and a serine-threonine protein kinase domain. Until now PINK1-mutation positive parkinsonism is the second frequent one next to parkin among autosomal recessive parkinsonism. Most of reported mutations were distributed throughout the serine-threonine protein kinase domain. Thus,loss of function of kinase activity of PINK1 is the most probable disease mechanism. The clinical phenotype of PINK1-mutation positive parkinsonism is similar to that of parkin mutation positive parkinsonism. Single heterozygous mutations of PINK1 have been also identified sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. The presence of dopamine hypometabolism in asymptomatic mutation carriers suggests that single heterozygous mutations of PINK1 are risk factors for developing parkinsonism. In addition,some functional data have been shown that PINK1 protein may function as neuroprotective roles for mitochondria. Recent biochemical and morphological studies using drosophila melanogaster suggested that Parkin and PINK1 share a common pathway to maintain mitochondrial function and that PINK1 functions upstream of Parkin. Moreover,co-expression of double mutations of PINK1 and DJ-1 in cultured cells from one family with heterozygous mutations,enhanced susceptibility to MPP+ (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion)-induced cell death. These data suggest that PINK1,parkin,and/or DJ-1 could play an important role to maintain mitochondrial functions. In the other word,the mitochondrion is a good target for elucidating the pathogenesis of not only sporadic form but also monogenic form of PD.

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