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79歳の男性で,約9年間腫瘍の大きさが変わらないで経過した腎細胞癌の1例を報告する。1979年3月のCT,血管撮影の所見と1988年2月の所見がほぼ同じであったため,腎生検を施行後腎摘出術を行った。腫瘍は4.5×3.0×3.5cmでRobsonのstage Ⅰ,組織学的には淡明細胞型,grade 1であった。
Renal cell carcinoma in a 79-year-old man had changed very little for about 9 years in spite of receiving no treatment. Computed tomography revealed a solid mass arising from the postero-lateral aspect of left kidney. Renal angiography showed a 4. 5 × 3. 0 cm hypovascular mass. A simple nephrec-tomy was performed, and tumor size was 4. 5 × 3. 0 × 3. 5 cm. According to the pathologic staging classi-fication of Robson and associates, this tumor was stage I. Microscopic examination revealed a clear cell carcinoma and histologic grade 1. This case is regarded as the indolent growth of a renal cell carci-noma.

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