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盲管重複尿管(blind-ending bifid ureter)は,1947年Culpら1)の定義が提唱されて以来,一般に使用されるようになつた尿管奇形である。われわれは本症の1例を経験したので報告するとともに,本邦61例を集計し統計的考察を加えた。
A 33-year-old man was admitted with a chief complaint of pyuria. Drip infusion pyelogram revealed the reflux to right blind-ending bifid ureter. The right retrograde pyelogram revealed a bifid ureter more clearly. The blind-ending bifid ureter was removed operatively, and then the ureterovesiconeostomy was done. The ureteral bifurcation at an acute angle was present approximately 5 cm above the right U-V junction. The blind-ending segment measured 8.9cm in length and 1 cm in greatest diameter. Histo-logically it was identical to normal ureteral tissue. Convalescence was uneventful and the patient expe-rienced no pyuria.

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