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ガマ腫(ranula)は舌下腺から発生する粘液嚢胞であり,その嚢胞が顎舌骨筋を超えて顎下部,頭下部,頸部に進展し,同部の腫脹をきたした場合にplunging ranulaと呼ばれる1)。このplunging ranulaは通常顎下型ガマ腫と訳され,顎下部または顎下部・舌下部の腫脹をきたす疾患である。
今回われわれは,左側plunging ranula摘出後1年半経過し,右側にもplunging ranulaを認めた1症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
We describe a case of bilateral plunging ranula presenting asynchronously in the same child.
An 11-year-old boy presented with a painless swelling in the left submandibular region. Ultra-sonic examination and MRI image indicated a left plunging ranula. Under general anesthesia, extirpa-tion of the cyst and the sublingual glands was performed by external cervical approach.
Eighteen months after the first operation, the patient developed a swelling of the right subman-dibular region and a fluctuant swelling in the floor of the mouth. Diagnosis of the right plunging ranula was made. The cyst and the sublingual glands were extirpated under general anesthesia by external cervical approach. After operation, there was no sings of recurrence. This case is the third case presentation of bilateral plunging ranula in the literature.

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