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58歳男性と62歳女性が眼内炎で紹介され受診した。2例とも約3年前にマイトマイシンC併用線維柱帯切除術が行われていた。1例は脳梗塞による半身不随と長期間の独居,他の1例は無治療の糖尿病があり,要介護者と同居していた。両症例とも,マイトマイシンCの結果として濾過胞の結膜が血管に乏しく,結合組織が粗になり,その結果,結膜のocular surfaceとしての機能が低下したことが眼内炎の誘因になったと考えられた。両症例とも,独居,糖尿病,要介護者の存在など、感染因子が増加する背景因子があった。マイトマイシンC併用線維柱帯切除術では長期間後に眼内炎が発症する可能性があることを示す2症例である。
Two patients, a 58-year-old male and 62-year-old female, were referred for endophthalmitis. Both patients had received trabeculectomy with adjunct mitomycin C about 3 years before. One patient had hemiparalysis secondary to cerebral infarction and had been living alone. The other had untreated diabetes mellitus and had been caring for a disabled family member. The affected eyes showed avascular conjunctiva and thin connective tissue presumably due to mitomycin C. It appeared that resulting dysfunction of the conjunctiva as ocular surface had induced endophthalmitis. Both patients had additional background factors which might have facilitated endophthalmitis. These cases illustrate that late-onset endophthalmitis is a liability following mitomycin C trabeculectomy in predisposed patients.

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