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要約 目的:原発開放隅角緑内障(POAG)におけるマイトマイシンC(MMC) 併用線維柱帯切除術後の眼圧日内変動を調べる。症例と方法:対象は初回MMC併用線維柱帯切除術を施行され,術後無治療で2か月以上経過したPOAG 20例31眼である。眼圧は,入院にてGoldmann圧平眼圧計で10,13,16,19,22,1,3および7時に測定した。結果:術後1日平均眼圧は9.3±3.5mmHgであった。術後の全対象の各測定時刻の眼圧には有意な変動があり,10時の眼圧( 9.9±3.9mmHg)は1時の眼圧(8.8±3.5mmHg)より有意に高かった。術後1日平均眼圧と術後眼圧変動幅の間には,有意な正の相関を認めた(R=0.456)。結論:MMC併用線維柱帯切除術後の眼圧は日中高く夜間は低く日内変動する。また,術後の眼圧日内変動をより小さくするためには,術後眼圧をできるだけ低くする必要がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the diurnal variation of intraocular pressure(IOP)following trabeculectomy with adjunct use of mitomycin C. Cases and Method:This study was made on 31 eyes of 20 cases of primary open-angle glaucoma. The series comprised 12 males and 8 females. Their ages ranged from 29 to 78 years,average 53 years. No patient had received ocular hypotensive drugs after surgery. IOP was measured 8 times a day during hospitalization 61 to 3,194 days,average 1,251 days,after surgery. Goldmann applanation tonometer was used throughout. Results:24-hour IOP in the whole series averaged 9.3±3.5mmHg. IOP was 9.9±3.9mmHg at 10 a.m. and 8.8±3.5mmHg at 1 a. m. The difference was significant(p<0.05). There was a significant correlation between mean 24-hour IOP and range of IOP variation(R=0.456). Conclusion:Physiological diurnal IOP variation is present in eyes after trabeculectomy with adjunct use of mitomycin C. Range of IOP variation is smaller in eyes with lower IOP.

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