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(展示14) 過去5か月の問に当院救急外来を受診した化学眼外傷6例の予後を解析した。苛性ソーダ2眼,セメント2眼,消石灰1眼,強酸性の錫の剥離剤1眼であった。1眼で0.8,他の5眼で1.0の最終視力が得られた。全例が飛入から5分以内に洗眼を行っていた。化学眼外傷の予後を決定する要因は,薬物の種類と濃度,初期治療の開始時期,受診までの時間,保護眼鏡の有無、輪部結膜の虚血,palisades(Vogt)の消失などであった。
We reviewed 6 eyes of chemical ocular injury during the foregoing 5-month period. The injury was caused by causatic soda and cement in 2 eyes each and by slaked lime and acidic fluid in one eye each. Final visual acuity of 1.0 was obtained in 5 eyes and of 0.8 in one eye. In all the cases, the injured eye was washed within 5 minutes after the accident. We identified the following factors as determinants of final outcome : type and concentration of chemicals, interval between injury and treatment including washing, interval before receiving professional eyecare, use of protective eyeglasses, area of limbal ischemia and disappearance of palisades of Vogt.

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