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要約 22歳男性が自転車を運転中に転倒し,右眼を強打して即日受診した。矯正視力は右0.04,左1.5であり,右眼に前房出血と黄斑部にニボー形成を伴う網膜前出血があった。保存的に治療した結果,2週間後に網膜前出血は融解して後部硝子体後方に移動し,のちに拡散した。硝子体混濁は次第に薄くなり,視力は受傷4か月後に0.1,6か月後に0.9に改善し,眼底が透見可能になった。若年者の外傷性網膜前出血では,出血混濁に比べて視力が良好な場合には自然吸収しうることを示す症例である。
Abstract. A 22-year-old man suffered a blunt injury to his right eye while falling from a bicycle. When seen the same day,his corrected visual acuity was 0.04 right and 1.5 left. His right eye showed hyphema and premacular hemorrhage forming a niveau. After 2 weeks of conservative treatment,the preretinal hemorrhage diffused into the subvitreal space. The viteal opacity gradually started to become absorbed. The right visual acuity improved 0.1 after 4 months and 0.9 another 2 months later. This case illustrates that trauma-induced preretinal hemorrhage may undergo spontaneous absorption when occurring in a young person and when the initial visual acuity is fairly good in comparison with the turbidity in the vitreous.

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