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(展示130) 黄斑部網膜剥離部位の網膜下腔に,SF6ガス小泡が迷入したpit-macular候群の1例を経験した。患者は23歳女性。右眼の黄斑部網膜剥離範囲拡大,視力低下に対して硝子体手術+SF6ガスタンポナーデを施行した。一旦,黄斑部網膜剥離の復位を得たが再剥離したため,SF6ガスタンポナーデおよびpit周辺に網膜光凝固術を施行したところ,黄斑部網膜下腔にSF6ガス小泡が繰り返し迷入した。本症例におけるSF6ガスのpitを介する網膜下への迷入は,硝子体手術後に生じたものではあるが,pit-macular症候群における黄斑部網膜剥離の網膜下液が,pitを介する液化硝子体由来である可能性が示唆された。
A 23-year-old female presented with gradually extending serous retinal detachment in the macula in her right eye. The eye was treated by vitrectomy with intravitreal injection of SF 6 gas. After initial retinal reattachment, retinal detachment recurred 4 weeks later. The recurrence was treated by intravitreal gas and dye laser photocoagulation on several occasions. Following these procedures, tiny bubbles were observed in the subretinal space, presumably due to migration of gas through the pit of the disc. Final reattachment was obtained by repetition of these procedures. The finding shows the possible communication between the subretinal space and vitreous cavity through the pit of the disc.

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