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要約 目的:Pit-macular症候群が発症した網膜色素変性の症例の報告。症例:71歳女性が3か月前からの右眼視力低下で受診した。10年前に網膜色素変性と診断され,左眼は失明していた。網膜色素変性についての家族歴はなかった。症例:矯正視力は右0.3,左0で,両眼に網膜色素変性の眼底所見があった。右眼の視野は固視点から10°に狭窄していた。両眼の乳頭中央部に小さな陥凹があり,右眼の黄斑部に2.5乳頭径の網膜剝離と分層孔があった。Pit-macular症候群と診断し,硝子体切除を行い,ガスタンポナーデを実施した。4か月後に網膜は復位し,0.4の視力を得た。結論:網膜色素変性に併発したpit-macular症候群の症例に硝子体手術を行い,黄斑部の網膜剝離が復位し,視力が向上した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of retinitis pigmentosa associated with pit-macular syndrome. Case:A 71-year-old woman presented with impaired visual acuity in the right eye since 3 months before. She had been diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa 10 years before. Her left eye had become blind since the diagnosis. Family history was negative regarding retinitis pigmentosa. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.3 right and no light perception left. Both eyes showed typical findings of retinitis pigmentosa. Visual field in the right eye was constricted to 10 degrees from the point of fixation. Both eyes showed small pit in the center of optic disc. The right eye showed retinal detachment in the macula with lameller hole. The right eye was diagnosed with pit-macular syndrome and treated by vitrectomy with gas tamponade. The retina became reattached 4 months later with visual acuity of 0.4. Conclusion:Vitreous surgery was effective for pit-macular syndrome in a case of retinitis pigmentosa.

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