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特発性脈絡膜新生血管(中心性滲出性脈絡網膜症)18眼を,光干渉断層計(OCT)を使って検索した。全例が片眼性であり,男6例,女12例で,年齢は21〜48歳,平均34.8歳であった。脈絡膜新生血管膜(CNM)が網膜色素上皮層の内方に土塁状に進展している断層像が8眼で得られ,これはGass分類のtype 2に相当した。8眼中6眼では,CNMの退縮に伴って,その反射が色素上皮・脈絡毛細管板の高反射層と一体化した。他の10眼では,初回の検査時から色素上皮層と一体化している紡錘形の高反射があった。全18眼中3眼で,CNMの表面が色素上皮層に連続する高反射を呈した。全18眼中15眼に検眼鏡などで漿液性網膜剥離が観察され,OCTでは17眼に網膜浮腫,9眼に網膜剥離が同定された。
We evaluated 18 eyes in 18 patients of idiopathic choroidal neovascularization using optical coherence tomography (OCT) . The series comprised 6 males and 12 females. The ages ranged from 21 to 48 years, average 35 years. In 8 eyes, the choroidal neovascular membrane (CNM) protruded anteriorly through the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) forming a dome-shaped reflective mass. This finding corresponded to type 2 by Gass. In 6 of the 8 eyes, this reflective mass merged with the reflective images from RPE and choriocapillaris following spontaneous regression. In the other 10 eyes, the lesion appeared as a spindle-shaped reflective mass continuous with the RPE. A high-reflective layer was present on the inner surface of CNM in 3 eyes. Serous retinal detach-ment appeared to be present in 15 of the 18 eyes by funduscopy and slit-lamp examination. OCT led to the identification of retinal edema in 17 eyes and of retinal detachment in 9 eyes.

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