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ゴールドマン視野(Goldmann perimetry:GP)で片眼のみに視野障害を有する正常眼圧緑内障13例に螢光眼底撮影を施行した。充盈欠損はGP異常眼で12眼(92%),GP正常眼で3眼(23%)にみられ,GP異常眼と正常眼との間に差があった。乳頭辺縁部漏出は5例にみられ,すべて両眼性であった。また,陥凹内漏出は4眼(15%)と少なかった。以上より,充盈欠損は視野異常と相関し,また螢光漏出は高眼圧がなくともみられ,特に辺縁部漏出例はすべて両眼性であったことから何らかの素因的背景の存在が考えられた。
We evaluated 13 eyes of normal-tension glaucoma with unilateral visual field defect by Goldmann perimetry. Fluorescein angiography showed dye filling defect in 12 affected eyes (92%) and in 3 non-affected eyes (23%) . The difference was significant (p < 0.05) . Dye leakage at the rim of optic disc was present in both eyes of 5 cases. Dye leakage within the cup of optic disc was present in 4 eyes (15%). The findings show that dye filling defect is associated with the presence of visual field defect in normal-tension glaucoma. The occasional presence of dye leakage in disc area and the bilaterality of rim leakage suggest the presence of as yet unidentified background factor.

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