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(P3-3-2) 最近6年間に眼科から脳神経外科へ紹介した患者72例を検討した。脳神経外科への紹介理由は眼球運動障害,視力障害,眼痛.頭痛,視野異常の順に多く,全体の病因発見率は72例中22例,31%であった。眼球運動障害では60歳以上の脳梗塞例が多かった。逆に病因は脳梗塞41%,脳腫瘍18%の順に多く,脳梗塞のほとんどが60歳以上の眼球運動障害例であった。視力障害では,特に下垂体腺腫において視野異常も伴っていた。今回の結果から,高齢者の眼球運動障害は脳梗塞の頻度が高いことが示された。また,原因不明の視力障害例は脳腫瘍を疑い,視野検査を行う必要性が明らかにされた。
We reviewed a series of 72 cases referred from our eye hospital to neurosurgeons during the foregoing 6-year period. The major reasons of referral were eye motility disorders, visual loss, ocular pain, headache, and visual field defect in the descending order. Neurological disorders were detected in 22 cases (31%), including cerebral infarction 9 cases and brain tumor 4 cases. Eye motility disorders were most frequent in cases of cerebral infarction aged 60 years or over. Pituitary adenoma was one of the causes of visual loss with visual field defects. The findings show that cerebral infarction is a frequent cause of eye motility disorders in aged persons and that brain tumor may underlie in the presence of visual loss without ocular lesions, suggesting the need of visual field examination.

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