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アブミ骨手術は欧米ではもっぱら耳硬化症に対して行われ,おびただしい数の手術経験をもつ耳科医がいる。しかし近年では手術をやりつくした感があり,“post-stapedectomy era”とよんで著明な耳科医でも,1年に50ほどの手術を行い,これが最近の平均的なstapes surgeonではないかと述べられている1)。わが国では反対に近年手術症例が増加してきているが,欧米に比べるとはるかに少ない。
Stapes replacement operations done in 45 ears of 38 cases during recent 10 years were retrospec-tively analyzed. Though the stapedotomy was intended, more than half of all cases have ended in stapedectomy because of loosening of the foot-plate during procedure. The patients consisted of 25 cases of suspected otosclerosis, 11 of stapes fixation with some ossicular anomalies and 2 others. Histo-logical study of the removed stapes was done in 5 cases. Bony changes suggestiye of otosclerotic foci were found in 2 stapes. Besides otosclerosis, some other causes of stapes fixation were thought to exist in the suspected otosclerosis patients.?

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