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(B2-3-9) 最近3年間(1995〜1997年)に川崎医科大学附属病院救急部を受診した眼科救急患者1,164例(全救急患者の3.2%)について,救急部開設当初10年間(1976〜1985年)の1,707例と比較検討した。受診者数(約400名/年)は1985年当時とほぼ同数であったが,全救急患者に対する頻度は減少し,1997年には受診者数,頻度がともに減少した。眼科医療機関の増加により救急部での軽症例の割合の減少傾向が認められた。平均年齢は高齢化が認められた。外傷性と非外傷性の疾患の割合が7:3であったことと,外傷では異物,鈍傷が,非外傷では結膜炎が多いことは前回の報告と同様であった。
We reviewed the consecutive 1,164 cases involving the eye seen in the emergency service during the foregoing 3-year period through 1997. These cases comprised 3.2% of all emergency cases. The findings were compared with 1,164 ophthalmic cases during the first 10 years (1976-1985) in the emergency service. The number of patients, which averaged about 400 cases per year, was the same as in 1985. The actual number and the ratio of eye patients to the total emergency cases showed a gradual decline, particularly in 1997. This fact seemed to be due to the increase in ophthalmic institutions and to the decrease of less severe cases visiting our emergency service. The ages of eye patients averaged 32 years which was higher than in the initial 10-year period. The ratio of traumatic to nontraumatic cases was 7:3. Foreign body and blunt trauma were the major traumatic lesions. Conjunctivitis was frequent among nontraumatic cases. These findings were the same between the two periods.
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