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(18-G409-21) 55歳の男性が木の枝で左眼に受傷し,枝を抜去したが,頭痛,眼瞼下垂,眼球運動障害が出現した。受傷後4日目に受診した。CTで左眼窩内にlow densityの棒状異常陰影があり,木片異物が疑われた。MRIで異物は海綿静脈洞に達していた。後日のhelical CTで当初low densityであった異常陰影は,high densityに変化していた。長さ4cmの木片異物摘出に成功し,眼瞼下垂と眼球運動障害は改善した。木片異物の診断に,CTとMRIが有効であった。
A 55-year-old male suffered penetrating injury to his left eye by a tree branch which was immediately removed. He was seen by us 4 days after injury for headache, blepharoptosis and impaired eye movements. Computed tomography (CT) showed a low-density stick -like shadow in the orbit suggestive of wooden foreign body. By magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) , the tip of the foreign body reached the cavernous sinus. Helical CT 9 days later showed a high-density shadow. After surgical removal of the foreign body, which was a wooden stick of 4cm in length, blepharoptosis and impaired eye movements returned to normal. This case illustrates the usefulness of CT and MRI in the diagnosis of wooden foreign body.

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