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眼窩内木片異物の3症例についてCT像を検討したところ,異物のCT像はいずれでも受傷直後はlow densityを呈していたが,後に施行したCTではhigh densityを呈していた。これは木片異物に特徴的なCT所見である。異物摘出に際してはCT所見から異物の位置に関する重要な情報が得られた。
We treated 3 cases of wooden foreign body in the orbit. Computed tomography (CT) showed unique features in all the cases. Immediately after injury, the foreign body showed low absorption value. When reexamined 16 days, 3 months and 4 years respectively after injury, the foreign body showedhigh absorption values. CT scan showed the exact positional relation between the foreign body and the orbital tissue.
In all the cases, the wooden foreign body was removed under surgical microscope. Temporary osteotomy was useful to remove deeply located foreign body in 2 cases in the series.
CT scanning is thus a useful diagnostic procedure for wooden foreign body in the orbit.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.