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(展示117) 46歳男性が軽自動車を運転中にガードレールに衝突し,頭部と胸部を打撲した。視力低下を自覚して1時間後に受診した。矯正視力は右0.9,左0.15であった。受傷5時間後の螢光眼底造影で,両眼の後極部全象限の主幹動脈付近に,多発性で断続性の螢光染と螢光漏出があった。視力は翌日から改善し,4日後の螢光造影で,動脈からの螢光漏出はほぼ消失していた。本症の早期では,急激な動脈系の内皮細胞と基底膜が損傷していることが推測された。
A 46-year-old male suffered blunt injury to the head and the chest when his car collided againt the rosdside guarding fence. He visited us one hour after the accident because of visual blurring. His corrected visual acuity was 0.9 reght and 0.15 left. Fluorescein angiography 5 hours after the accident showed extravasation with multiple and intermittent dye staining along the major retinal arteries throughout the posterior fundus area. The visual acuity started to improve the next day. Fluorescein angiography 4 days later showed absence of dye leakage from the retinal arteries. The findings show the presence of damaged endothelial cells and basal membrane of retinal arterial system during the early phase of Purtscher's retinopathy.

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